Sunday, September 5, 2010

Hard to believe

I still cannot believe I am in Utah, in 100 degree weather, at the Biggest Loser Resort. I cannot believe I met Sam, one of my favorite contestants from Season 9, at dinner and that he will be working out with my Blue Group all week!

I cannot believe THIS is my schedule for tomorrow:

6:00 AM Yogalates
7:00 AM Breakfast
8:00 AM Hike (about which I have heard many scary things!)
11:15 AM Stretch
12:15 PM Lunch
1:15 PM Lecture (Calorie Budgeting)
2:15 PM Intro to Circuit
2:3O PM Core Training
3:30 PM Deep Water Suspension (a pool workout, I'm told--sounds like a torture method!)
4:30 PM Circuit Training
5:30 PM Dinner
6:15 PM Lecture (spending your calories wisely)

I cannot believe how many great people I've already met.

I cannot believe our dinner was so delicious, or that it had only 500 calories (including a fabulous tiramisu!)

I cannot believe it's not even 9:00 and I am ready for bed...what will I feel like tomorrow night?


  1. So glad you're having such a great experience already, Jen! Best wishes to you as you embark on your FULL days!

  2. Thanks Jill! Hope I will be just as enthusiastic after tomorrow's VERY full day!! I promise to keep updating as long as i can lift my arms up enough to type! LOL

  3. Sounds fantastic! Have a wonderful time! :)

  4. Wow Jen! It will make a day at work sound like a walk in the park after all that! I am very excited for you and very proud of you! Get a pic with Sam for your Christmas card!!! :)
