Saturday, September 11, 2010

Out of the Nest

I can't believe how quickly my week at Fitness Ridge has flown by. True, there were moments where I thought it would never end, but I'm preparing to depart tomorrow with mixed feelings. Sadness that I'm leaving this beautiful place and all the wonderful people I've just started to get to know in this short time. Excitement to enjoy the rest of my vacation without 7 hours of exercise every day. Pride in seeing how far I've come in a week, regardless of the numbers on the scale tomorrow morning when I test out. And confidence that I have learned what I need to learn, and that I have the drive and motivation to use the tools from Fitness Ridge to live a healthier life.

Tonight was Graduation, where they showed a DVD of everyone during the week (which I have a copy of and can't wait to share with my family and friends). And, everyone who wanted tonhad a chance ton stand up and share thrill thoughts on their time here. I was so inspired, and reminded again how happy I am to have had this experience. It's been one of the hardest but best weeks of my life, and I will not waste the lessons I learned.

By the way, if anyone has been toying with the idea of coming here after reading my posts, you should call soon..there's an 8 month waiting list to get in! (They require a $200 deposit to reserve a place). And be sure to mention my name--you'll get $100 off your stay (and so will I if I decide to come back!)

Thank you so much to each and every one of you who has sent an encouraging word over the past week. Your thoughts and prayers have kept me smiling.

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