Sunday, January 17, 2010


A couple of weeks ago, when I was getting ready to start my Forty for 40 Challenge, I purchased a large glass jar with a lid (it reminds me of the kind of container you'd see in an old fashioned candy store, full of jawbreakers or jellybeans or some other colorful treats). Every day since January 1, I've spent a few moments at the end of the day thinking of something I'm thankful for, or something I need from God, or the universe, or myself, and I write that thought down on a slip of colored paper, fold it and put it in the jar. It's become a part of my routine I look forward to every single day--to really spend a few moments in quiet contemplation, focusing on what it is that's helping me move forward, or what it is that's holding me back from taking the next step toward my goals.

Yesterday, I asked for motivation. This was a challenging week---work has been hectic (I'm not complaining--it's job security to be so busy!), which has left me feeling off-track. I have had a hard time getting out of bed in the morning to exercise, which in a couple of instances led to no-workout days, and keeping to my healthy eating plan has been a struggle (small victory--I've stuck to my commitment of tracking everything I eat, so at least I'm conscious of my choices...and when I step back to look at the week I am, overall, doing better than I thought). It's also meant I have spent too much time watching TV at the end of an exhausting day, instead of reading, or writing, or any of the other things I could be doing toward reaching my 40 goals.

Amazingly, I've found that the simple act of admitting I'm feeling unfocused has helped me regain the motivation I need to press on. A positive, if unintended, consequence of this emotional treat jar I've created for myself.

I know I'll be saying this often throughout the year, but THANK YOU to each of you who has taken the time to post a word of encouragement or praise about this blog and the idea of Forty for 40. While the ultimate motivation has to come from within myself, knowing you're out there following along is something for which I'm incredibly grateful.


  1. I think continuing to celebrate ourselves and the little successes/accomplishments is an important thing to do. We are not perfect. Life gets in the way sometimes. But the journey would not be the same if it were easy, right? You are going to learn so much this year and beyond. And you are inspiring me - and many others, I'm sure.

    My thoughts are jumbled, it's late, but I did want to write and say good job and keep going.

  2. I meant "if it was easy"....I wish I could edit my post!!
