Monday, April 26, 2010

It didn't hurt a bit....

So....I'm 40 now.

I had intended to write something on my actual birthday, something profound and pithy about how I felt now that I had hit the big milestone birthday on which I've fixated for months. But, the truth is, I was having too much fun actually CELEBRATING my birthday to take time to blog. Hopefully you agree that I made the right choice :)

While I can't say I feel any differently than I did 11 days ago, when I was still thirtysomething, I do have to admit I feel different. Sort of. I've never been someone who was overly concerned about what other people think--I'm the classic Myers-Briggs introvert, drawing my strength from within myself rather than from those around me. But lately, I've noticed that I'm more decisive and comfortable making decisions based on me first, and confident that if I do, I'll be better equipped to help the others around me. It's kind of like the oxygen masks on airplanes--you're supposed to put your own mask on before you help anyone else.

My birthday celebration reminded me how blessed I am--blessed by good health, a sense of humor, and more friends and family who love me than I can count. And I'm blessed by a desire to keep pushing myself. I've made a big dent in my Forty for 40 list, but there's still a lot left to do. As I look at the list and realize how many tasks I still have to accomplish, I'm excited. That means I didn't make this challenge too easy. I know there are some things I will attack with more zeal than others....and I'm ok with that. My life has been enriched directly as a result of creating this challenge, sharing it with others, and trying to make the most of every opportunity. I'm learning new things about myself every day--and I can't wait to see what surprises are in store over the next eight months.

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